About us

We are a family owned company founded in 1958 and are now world­wide active with a focus on “Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance”. As an inno­va­tive family busi­ness that can react flexibly to tech­no­lo­gical chal­lenges, we have focused on the future topics of energy and resource protection.

We have decades of expe­ri­ence in plant engi­nee­ring, with several hundred refe­rence plants. With our know-how in elec­trical, mecha­nical and process engi­nee­ring we accom­pany our custo­mers in theop­ti­mi­sa­tion, moder­ni­sa­tion and new cons­truc­tion of water and waste­water plants.

“With our holi­stic approach of “zahnen water engi­nee­ring perfor­mance” we accom­pany our custo­mers natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally in opti­mi­sa­tion, moder­ni­sa­tion and new cons­truc­tion of their water and waste­water treat­ment plants.”

Herbert Zahnen (Geschäfts­führer)

Zahnen Historie